Tobogganing in Leslie Park
Hello, neighbours.
This fall, we shared that the city is renewing the storm infrastructure in the area, including our park (Graham Creek Infrastructure Renewal). Many of us have seen heavy machinery in the field where the rink would normally be. Currently, there is some fencing, construction markers, and a generator water pump located at the bottom of the hill (photo attached).
We understand that tobogganing is a fun pastime for families and many would like to keep using our park hill as they have in the past. However, doing so with a construction site at the base of the hill could lead to serious injury. The city has installed multiple “no sliding” signs around the hill to communicate this (photo of one of the signs is attached).
Therefore, we are reminding everyone to refrain from tobogganing on the hill this season.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,
The Leslie Park Community Association.